the hapii lab

adaptive, and personalized
information interaction

about hapii

The human-centered, adaptive, and personalized information interaction lab at Cal Poly Pomona aims to make users happier, by researching novel computing solutions that understand and support each individual person. Our expertise ranges across several areas, including:

Human-Centered Computing & AI

Web & Information Science

Data Visualization

hapii projects

Multilingual Information Access

More than half of the world's population is proficient in at least two languages. In this project, we aim to analyze language preferences and behaviors of individual users accessing information, and to develop novel personalized multilingual search, recommender, and educational systems.

Adaptive Information Visualization

Information Visualization is one of the most powerful tools to overcome information overload. In this project, we aim to analyze how different people interact and synthesize information using different visualizations, and to develop more usable and personalized visualizations that are tailored to each individual user.


One of the most pressing issues in the Information Age is the creation and spread of misinformation. In this project, we aim to analyze the effect of different types of misinformation on different users, and develop systems that can detect and correct misinformation through personalized support.

hapii members

hapii faculty
Dr. Ben Steichen
Dr. Ben Steichen

Dr. Ben Steichen is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CPP). He received his PhD from Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland, an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from TCD, and a First Class Honours B.Sc. degree in Computing Sciences from the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK.

hapii students
Miguel Geronimo
Miguel Geronimo
Undergraduate Student
Maribel Gershman
Maribel Gershman
Graduate Student
Tony Gonzalez
Tony Gonzalez
Undergraduate Student
Brad Kim
Brad Kim
Undergraduate Student
Rucha Nandgirikar
Rucha Nandgirikar
Graduate Student
Bryan Orellana de la Cruz
Bryan Orellana de la Cruz
Undergraduate Student
Manson Pham
Manson Pham
Undergraduate Student
Keerthi Sreeram
Keerthi Sreeram
Undergraduate Student
Eli Tolentino
Eli Tolentino
Undergraduate Student
Kelly Tsai
Kelly Tsai
Graduate Student
Damian A. Varela
Damian A. Varela
Undergraduate Student
Moina Vernon
Moina Vernon
Graduate Student

hapii alumni
Kyle Ah-Tye
Kyle Ah-Tye
Graduate Student
Ethan Bautista
Ethan Bautista
Undergraduate Student
Christian Becerra
Christian Becerra
Graduate Student
Carla Castillo
Carla Castillo
Undergraduate Student
Kailie Chang
Kailie Chang
Graduate Student
Siva Charan Mallena
Siva Charan Mallena
Graduate Student
Wei Hsuan Chen
Wei Hsuan Chen
Undergraduate Student
Nate Colbert
Nate Colbert
Undergraduate Student
Yennhi Dang
Yennhi Dang
Graduate Student
Patriz Daroy
Patriz Daroy
Undergraduate Student
Isabel DeLaPaz
Isabel DeLaPaz
Undergraduate Student
Huy Doan
Huy Doan
Graduate Student
Angel Gadon
Angel Gadon
Undergraduate Student
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia
Graduate Student
Diego Garcia
Diego Garcia
Undergraduate Student
Rachel Goodrich
Rachel Goodrich
Undergraduate Student
Daeyoung Hwang
Daeyoung Hwang
Undergraduate Student
Wilsen Kosasih
Wilsen Kosasih
Graduate Student
Chi Le
Chi Le
Undergraduate Student
Jinjing Lee
Jinjing Lee
Undergraduate Student
Jesus Leon
Jesus Leon
Undergraduate Student
Rachel Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Undergraduate Student
Chenjun Ling
Chenjun Ling
Graduate Student
Raymond Luc
Raymond Luc
Graduate Student
Danielle Makiling
Danielle Makiling
Undergraduate Student
Colin Mcgough
Colin Mcgough
Undergraduate Student
Nana Mimura
Nana Mimura
Undergraduate Student
Peter Nguyen
Peter Nguyen
Undergraduate Student
Thoa Nguyen
Thoa Nguyen
Undergraduate Student
Todd Nguyen
Todd Nguyen
Graduate Student
Deep Parekh
Deep Parekh
Undergraduate Student
Nicholas Piazza
Nicholas Piazza
Undergraduate Student
Dimitri Pierre-Louis
Dimitri Pierre-Louis
Undergraduate Student
Jay Savla
Jay Savla
Undergraduate Student
Kevin Scroggins
Kevin Scroggins
Undergraduate Student
William Sosropartono
William Sosropartono
Graduate Student
Camryn Sumabat
Camryn Sumabat
Undergraduate Student
sheCodes Member
Kayla Tang
Undergraduate Student
Shannon Trinh
Shannon Trinh
Undergraduate Student
Evelyn Vu
Evelyn Vu
Undergraduate Student
John West
John West
Undergraduate Student
Alysia Wong
Alysia Wong
Undergraduate Student
Milush Yanev
Milush Yanev
Graduate Student
Eli Zupke
Eli Zupke
Undergraduate Student

hapii equipment


The lab uses state-of-the-art usability and user experience research equipment, including eye trackers and other physiological sensors. This enables us to perform detailed experiments and analyses of natural user behaviors and experiences.

contact hapii


If you want to learn more about the lab, or if you are interested in working with us, please reach out!

  • Dep. of Computer Science, Cal Poly Pomona, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, California, 91768
  •       bsteichen [at]
  •       8-21